Stephen Curry

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Dear SC,

First of all, I am a Lebron fan (hahaha :p) so I'm rooting for the Cavaliers (whatever it takes!) to win this year but Golden State still is my second favorite.

You know SC, it sure hurts more than how it appears. Well that's just how life is, isn't it? We win some and we lose some. One cannot expect everything to go his or her way. I remember you saying that things will fall into place and just to give it time. I really wish that you're right on this. Someone told me before that shy people don't have a place in this world. Is it wrong not to believe it? It's a given fact that only the strongest survive and being shy is far from being strong. But you know, if there's anything that being shy taught me, it would be these two things: to be patient and to be understanding of others. I compensate my lack of confidence with these and it worked for me hahaha :p But still, its not enough.

I've told you that I am selfish, right? But my selfishness is the worst kind. More than shyness, it's the one that holds me back to do things that my heart desires. My selfishness is rooted in the fear of getting hurt that's why my greatest fear is rejection. Because of this, I usually keep my deepest thoughts and feelings all to myself. But you know... the more I fear getting hurt, the more hurt I become in reality. Funny.

Why am I so unlucky with the matters of the heart? Should I stop believing in fairy tales?

Anyway, I know that I can no longer get your response but I will think of you as my fairy godmother... no, just kidding hahaha... I will think of you as my guardian angel, in a way. I'm hoping that you'll pop out whenever I'm in a fix and whisper answers in my ear whenever I'm at a loss. And maybe a kiss on the cheek hahaha :p

Can't wait to get my hands on my pickup truck! :p
Stephen Curry [MVP] by deadlyworks


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