Thursday, May 31, 2018



Wednesday, May 30, 2018

gumising ka, munting bampira
ang buwan ay bilog na muli
pakpak ay ihayo't igala
liwanag ko'y sayo ang silbi

sa ipinagpalang nilalang
itinadhana ngayong gabi
leeg, sa pangil nag-aabang
wagas na halik ng iyong labi

itong sumpang kinalakihan
sa sarili ay 'wag isisi
mundo'y higit makasalanan
pintas ay 'di kawalang puri

sa langit ngayo'y pumanaog
ulap sa iyo'y kakandili
halina't ikaw ay matulog
hanggang sa'yong paggising muli  

Идио́т, LeAlterEgo

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

LeKing delivered once again and on his way to his 8th finals appearance. The GOAT of this generation. Skieeeeeuuup!!!

I have decided to go on with this dream to nowhereland.

"A fool with a heart and no sense is just as unhappy as a fool with sense and no heart"
-Dostoevsky, The Idiot


Game 7

Monday, May 28, 2018

Dear SC,

In my heart I want the Rockets to win. Nevertheless I'm really for the Cavs. It's interesting that both conferences have reached game 7. A coincidence?

Why is it a struggle to forget? I mean... ah, nothing. I think only magic can undo magic.

Now...Where to find a magician?

Running Towards Breakfast

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Every time I think that my thirst is about to be sated, I find my cup empty which tricks my mind to feel thirstier than before. Knowing this doesn’t really help much for the desires of the body do overcome that of the mind, especially when the discipline is lenient (sorry, Cena). Or perhaps this is again a natural predilection towards survival, the ultimate goal of every species.  Can we ever be satisfied? Definitely it is a big no. We always run alongside time, be it towards a goal or away from a threat.  As for me, I’ll be running towards breakfast.

It has been a couple of months ago since I started to do morning runs. For a slob like me it sure was tough to even get started. My mind would tell me ‘come on, let’s go!’ but my body knows that the heart is where the bed is (for it surely is hahaha). And sure my body weighs a ton on every make or break session against the will. Who is sane enough anyway to wake up early in the morning only to reward the body with muscle pain and exhaustion?  Thankfully, my sanity is never intact.

The Routine
The only way to change the behavior is through habit formation. Once you get going, it becomes part of your system until eventually it gets integrated in you. The very beginning is about finding the motivation and once found everything else will follow (train the mind and the body will follow). Trust the process and find your inner Embiid. No one knows one’s self better than himself and so a good and effective routine can only be made by the one who owns the body. For my personal routine, I wake up (or am usually awake) by 4 am to do morning stretching and some exercises to get the blood pumping. By 5 am I am already at the local park which is about a good 7-8 min brisk walk from our house. The walk itself from house to park already serves as a warm-up for the run.

The Add-ons
Beauty emanates from simplicity. And the beauty of running is that it is very simple that you only need yourself to do it. However, having the right equipment is always beneficial. A good pair of trainers is the only luxury you’ll ever need. A snug fitting pair is ideal. Trainers tied too loose disrupt the rhythm of every step since you can feel the shoes wobble as you lift your feet from the ground. Trainers tied too tight on the other hand constrict the feet causing less blood flow resulting to pain. After 2-3 days of running, you can already tell the ideal fit of your trainers. A double knot is advised to avoid the hassle of having a loose knot, retying, and readjusting. Also, a sudden stop from running because of a loose knot gives off considerable calf pain. Other than the shoes, if available, a timer or even a simple wrist watch can come in handy. Not only will it tell you the time but it can also give you an idea on how fast you run and whether you are improving in terms of speed and in terms of endurance. Any other thing that you’ll find yourself carrying is not advised unless you can get yourself a spot where you can store your excess baggage like a bottle of water or a face towel. The attire to wear isn’t really much of a big deal; you just have put on some comfortable decent clothing. Expect that there would be other people whom are running as well (or hanging around) so at least make yourself look presentable. 

The Things Left Unsaid
… are better left unsaid. These are parts of the adjusting and learning experience. These things may differ from one person to another: the pace, the terrain, the unforeseen circumstances, the motivation, etc. Basically an interplay of personal factors, environmental factors, and the jog itself. Every jog is a learning experience and an opportunity to evolve for the better. Just like life.


Saturday, May 26, 2018

This one is a far cry from the menthol one... not even close. The labeling is at fault as well. Lemon (like any other commercial lemons) is supposed to be yellow while menthol is supposed to be green (not blue). Hay buhay.

Cry me a river

No amount of sleep...


LeKing has rested, and hopefully things will take a good turn... or its all over.

My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—
It gives a lovely light!
Edna St. Vincent Millay, First Fig 

Better burn the candle at both ends... for that A... all for that A

Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE!!!

she's a hurricane in all kinds of weather


Friday, May 25, 2018

As a kid I used to hear this tune a lot. Even some of my electronic toys played this music. And there were those big trucks that back up to this song. I would find myself humming it out of nowhere, never really knowing what it was about.

Canção, riso e dor, melodia de amor
Um momento que fica no ar

Sad fate to the one who made this song immortal. 


Il Mondo

Yo! Steph!

SC as you're also known... or mostly because of your footwear line. I do have a pair, UA Curry 2. I use them whenever I go out for a jog. They always get the job done.

You're not really the only SC that I know. There are others as well.

SC... could be so many things...

Shopping Center: The ultimate commercial hub for any isko and iska. Just like them, I ate (who wouldn't love Rodic's tapsilog?), shopped, surfed the net, and of course availed of photocopied notes in the various stalls there. Sadly just this year the stall complex caught fire, sparing nothing.

Service Center: The school supplies shop in my elementary school. One memory is forever etched in my mind. There was a time when I went to school with a bad stomach. The shy me couldn't even utter the magic words of "Ma'am, may I go out?" during class. And so... I soiled my pants. I never thought that the shy me could still get shier... so much shier with the boisterous laughs of my classmates. The teacher had to get me new clothes... a white Popeye shirt and our standard issue khaki shorts... all thanks to the ever ready SC.

Squamous cell Carcinoma: I'd always volunteer to assist in any surgery for I enjoy it more than anything else... I'd even choose it over sleep. I sure have learned a lot with the countless MRMs. It's just sad that surgery isn't made for me for I am not gifted with steady hands.

SC... what else?...

Of course... the shady one... who needs not to be a giraffe or to go back in time to make its mark. You already have a place, a special place along with the other SCs... or so much more.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

King James wasn't himself... hopefully, home court advantage would take over the next game.

Throwback Thursday for a gloomy day:

Self-portrait. Year 2000. I was 10 years old then. Clearly even as a kid I was atrocious to myself. If I were to make one again today, there would be not much of a difference. Realism, surrealism, pointillism all in one.

Contract of Friendship (valid until they are alive). Year 2004. Second year high school. A time when innocence wasn't feigned, the world was ours to conquer, and friendship was our most valued treasure.

Puppy Love. Year 2006. Third year high school. When the world revolved around my crush, and my crush alone. After confessing in front of the whole class, everything turned sour. A once in a blue moon gutsy move from a perennial loser.

The Norns. Year unknown. Sometime in college. The phase in my life when manga and reality co-existed. A time when I wished for a goddess to stay by my side... forever. WTH?

The Graduates. Year 2016. College of Medicine Class of 2016. At the height of our med school life, my height never really caught up.


"Fire was the best place for the words never told about the author's world"

let me bask in the radiance
of your light
for I have grown to fear
the shadow in my heart

should I be blinded by your
liberating glow
and should my mortal eyes
see not again

I tell you my dear
I have never seen a more lovely day
for you have opened the eyes
of my very soul


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Dear SC,

It could have tied the game, but luck went to Harden and company. Time to recalibrate as James would say it.

It has been raining this past two days. Very timely if you ask me. I love rain. It gives me comfort and a sense of  security. I associate a lot of childhood memories with rain. I would be lying in my bed, listening to songs from my father's cassette tape collection. My favorites would be The Brothers Four, Peter, Paul, and Mary, and Cat Stevens. Old but good music. And the scent of rain... probably the best scent the world could offer along with the smell of the pages of a newly bought book.

How to make the world livable... that's a thought that never crossed my mind. Timely... just like this afternoon rain. But I'd let everything be washed first...

não tenho certeza mas eu acho que você já amou muitas vezes na sua vida mas apenas não está dando certo

To dream in silence, to utter no words, and to look from afar... indeed a lot of times, but do they really count?

"The Heart is a lonely hunter with only one desire! To find some lasting comfort in the arms of anothers fire...driven by a desperate hunger to the arms of a neon light, the heart is a lonely hunter when there's no sign of love in sight." - Carson McCullers, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

Game 4 Warriors vs Rockets

Dear SC,

Good luck with today's game.

you need to breath deeply doc.. because your brain sending message again into your heart to have the feelings of what you're feeling right now.. so breath deeply

Why is it so hard not to think of you? The more I resist, the harder it is to forget. You're like an image that has been painted on every corner of  my mind. Even if I try to imagine you as a muscular man on steroids, it just doesn't work (an advise from a friendly Japanese manga). Maybe I have to give it a couple more days. And I still haven't used my weapon of mass DISTRACTION... and that would be clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), drug indexes, and my medical notes that needs reviewing.

You might think of me as a naive kid... may gatas pa sa labi.
Perhaps so.

Stephen Curry

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Dear SC,

First of all, I am a Lebron fan (hahaha :p) so I'm rooting for the Cavaliers (whatever it takes!) to win this year but Golden State still is my second favorite.

You know SC, it sure hurts more than how it appears. Well that's just how life is, isn't it? We win some and we lose some. One cannot expect everything to go his or her way. I remember you saying that things will fall into place and just to give it time. I really wish that you're right on this. Someone told me before that shy people don't have a place in this world. Is it wrong not to believe it? It's a given fact that only the strongest survive and being shy is far from being strong. But you know, if there's anything that being shy taught me, it would be these two things: to be patient and to be understanding of others. I compensate my lack of confidence with these and it worked for me hahaha :p But still, its not enough.

I've told you that I am selfish, right? But my selfishness is the worst kind. More than shyness, it's the one that holds me back to do things that my heart desires. My selfishness is rooted in the fear of getting hurt that's why my greatest fear is rejection. Because of this, I usually keep my deepest thoughts and feelings all to myself. But you know... the more I fear getting hurt, the more hurt I become in reality. Funny.

Why am I so unlucky with the matters of the heart? Should I stop believing in fairy tales?

Anyway, I know that I can no longer get your response but I will think of you as my fairy godmother... no, just kidding hahaha... I will think of you as my guardian angel, in a way. I'm hoping that you'll pop out whenever I'm in a fix and whisper answers in my ear whenever I'm at a loss. And maybe a kiss on the cheek hahaha :p

Can't wait to get my hands on my pickup truck! :p
Stephen Curry [MVP] by deadlyworks


Monday, May 21, 2018

ang puso kalaro ma'y mga tala
ay mapagkumbaba
sugatan mo'y 'di man lang iimik
hindi magpapaawa
ngunit paluhain ng minsa'y
habang buhay kung magluksa
at kung ano ang initim ng lason
ay siyang ipinuti ng luha 


Sunday, May 20, 2018

And just when you thought
you're there

You get lost in a trance,
asking yourself why am I here again?

Should you ever choose 
to turn back

The words that have been left unsaid

Will never find their voice 