An ill-advised change

Sunday, February 20, 2022

My liking and fascination to Valda pastilles goes way back during my pre-teen years. I remember my dad giving me and my sister one each of that emerald green, sugar-coated conical mints as he himself indulges on one. Apart from its soothing fresh flavor that isn't too harsh on the taste buds, the pastilles come in an exquisitely designed golden brass tin can. Apparently, the company decided to change the tin can's design to give it perhaps a more modern look. It's a pity since the original printing that I used to know and that I am very fond of is very much superior to the cheap looking current one. Good thing the product itself is the same as before. 


Included in this photo is my newly acquired fine nibbed, burgundy Parker jotter fountain pen. This marks the beginning of my journey to the world of fountain pens. My handwriting though, still sucks.


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