Running Towards Breakfast

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Every time I think that my thirst is about to be sated, I find my cup empty which tricks my mind to feel thirstier than before. Knowing this doesn’t really help much for the desires of the body do overcome that of the mind, especially when the discipline is lenient (sorry, Cena). Or perhaps this is again a natural predilection towards survival, the ultimate goal of every species.  Can we ever be satisfied? Definitely it is a big no. We always run alongside time, be it towards a goal or away from a threat.  As for me, I’ll be running towards breakfast.

It has been a couple of months ago since I started to do morning runs. For a slob like me it sure was tough to even get started. My mind would tell me ‘come on, let’s go!’ but my body knows that the heart is where the bed is (for it surely is hahaha). And sure my body weighs a ton on every make or break session against the will. Who is sane enough anyway to wake up early in the morning only to reward the body with muscle pain and exhaustion?  Thankfully, my sanity is never intact.

The Routine
The only way to change the behavior is through habit formation. Once you get going, it becomes part of your system until eventually it gets integrated in you. The very beginning is about finding the motivation and once found everything else will follow (train the mind and the body will follow). Trust the process and find your inner Embiid. No one knows one’s self better than himself and so a good and effective routine can only be made by the one who owns the body. For my personal routine, I wake up (or am usually awake) by 4 am to do morning stretching and some exercises to get the blood pumping. By 5 am I am already at the local park which is about a good 7-8 min brisk walk from our house. The walk itself from house to park already serves as a warm-up for the run.

The Add-ons
Beauty emanates from simplicity. And the beauty of running is that it is very simple that you only need yourself to do it. However, having the right equipment is always beneficial. A good pair of trainers is the only luxury you’ll ever need. A snug fitting pair is ideal. Trainers tied too loose disrupt the rhythm of every step since you can feel the shoes wobble as you lift your feet from the ground. Trainers tied too tight on the other hand constrict the feet causing less blood flow resulting to pain. After 2-3 days of running, you can already tell the ideal fit of your trainers. A double knot is advised to avoid the hassle of having a loose knot, retying, and readjusting. Also, a sudden stop from running because of a loose knot gives off considerable calf pain. Other than the shoes, if available, a timer or even a simple wrist watch can come in handy. Not only will it tell you the time but it can also give you an idea on how fast you run and whether you are improving in terms of speed and in terms of endurance. Any other thing that you’ll find yourself carrying is not advised unless you can get yourself a spot where you can store your excess baggage like a bottle of water or a face towel. The attire to wear isn’t really much of a big deal; you just have put on some comfortable decent clothing. Expect that there would be other people whom are running as well (or hanging around) so at least make yourself look presentable. 

The Things Left Unsaid
… are better left unsaid. These are parts of the adjusting and learning experience. These things may differ from one person to another: the pace, the terrain, the unforeseen circumstances, the motivation, etc. Basically an interplay of personal factors, environmental factors, and the jog itself. Every jog is a learning experience and an opportunity to evolve for the better. Just like life.


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