Just lessons?

Saturday, September 2, 2017
Dark clouds overhead...

I remember the first time I made a big decision for myself and that was when I chose to shift courses from Engineering to the Social Sciences. It wasn't a very difficult choice but what made it cumbersome were my parents' and relatives' opinions on the whys and hows. But I knew I needed to stand firm since it was very clear to me that the very decision will affect my future. Until one night my parents called for me and talked to me about it and ending the discussion saying that they're there for me regardless of my choice. I cried silently that night. There were no regrets for me.

History repeated itself, and this time I chose to take my medical licensure exam by March of next year instead of taking this September. Being faced with the same problem, I want to stand firm with this decision. I'd rather bear the transient pain than be haunted forever by the what ifs. And so I'll cry silently to myself at night for the next 6 months.

My indecisiveness already cost me to lose a very dear person.

...and I left my umbrella at home.


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