rather have one to 'commit to uncommit'

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sometimes being with people is the same as being alone... only difference is that it's noisier. Shit. Why are pure intentions met by superficial ones? Are words merely enunciations with no attached meanings? Madaming nagagalit sakin pag hindi ako nagsasalita, wala daw kasi akong 'cooperation'. It may be so, however when I do speak I say what I mean at the moment (I have the tendency to say stupid things when I am nervous, and I'm nervous most of the time). Even when I talk of nonsensical things, I really am being nonsensical. I take other people's words seriously, thinking that they too are being serious with me. The sad thing is that I can't take a hint when someone is just toying with me. I even got scolded once by my parents for being too trustful. The world is full of opportunists who are willing to do just anything (good or bad) to get what they want, even if they have put innocent people at risk. This is the game the world plays; you have to play along if you want to live.

Man... all of this blabber just for unreciprocated thoughts.

 one of those nights when a selfie can be forgiven


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