Sunday, March 13, 2016
i will stand in your door
but i will not knock
do you want me to render
a grade 6 murmur?
Friday, March 4, 2016
Thoughts of the light are left to pass
But those of the shadow are well engraved
Lone memories being cherished and held dear
But a soul that flickers is lifeless to the seer
Why love is impersonal yet of sentiment divine
Could the sophist after all be worthy of the laud?
Then i would rather see the light in a different time, in a different world
Where love is alive, celebrated, and awed
And not merely sung as elegies for the callous ears of the lot

In a moment of UNpeace

Tuesday, March 1, 2016
It is another journey coming to an end and I still do not know where to and what to.
I've had my share of the sweet and the bitter.
Time added to my years but I still am the same old me.
Hoping to see the day that I'll be a changed person, still in search of the sunshine.

An arc of yellow, heaven's smile?