Nimbus' cry

Sunday, August 31, 2014

I fell for a rainbow
a devotion of the
moon to the sun.
To where it goes
I follow
but it keeps
bringing me back
bringing me back
to where I began.
I am but its shadow
a foreteller
of its approach.
It is my tears
that bring forth
it is my passing
that makes it shine.

Good things come in small packages

Why is this good stuff so frigging small? Roughly 8 cm in height with a base diameter of 4cm and having a volume of mere 80ml, this small thing is packed with billions (!) of live lactobacilli Shirota strain (good intestinal bacteria). Why don't they make a liter serving of this good stuff, just like mogu mogu? I'm 100% sure that I'm not the only one with this sentiment. 

Apparently, the reason behind this is to avoid contamination due to prolonged air exposure from repeated opening and closing of the bottle if it did come in 1 liter serving. Well, fair enough. Also, there's no harm at all in drinking lots of this stuff... I guess I just have to get as many as I want.
Friday, August 29, 2014

Double whammy

Monday, August 25, 2014

It's one of those days again… long days of reviewing (or pretending to be) for exams. As I create turbulence inside my cup of coffee, I can't help but think that I despise coffee so much that a slight whiff of its scent makes me feel dizzy. Even so, I cannot do away with it else I’ll be having a trip to dreamland. At least it's always a sweet dose of bitterness in the end.
it was midway through summer
the year after the end
when i saw a butterfly
fluttering aimlessly
as if time is to bend
the mere sight of it
made my heart skip a beat
faltering, following its guide
to where i can't remember
the memory i can't revive
all that's left
and all that echoes
is that it was midway through summer
the year after the end
and a warm feeling inside